We want the CSF community to be welcoming for anyone who wants to improve their health through exercise regardless of whether you are a veteran athlete or if you’ve never set foot in a gym. To help you get started safely and effectively we have developed a Foundations Curriculum.

This consists of between 1 and 5 one-on-one training sessions with Coach Steven or Coach Hugh. These sessions cover the principles of strength training – pairing breath and movement to stabilize a neutral spine. We apply that skill to 6 foundational functional strength movements to the CSF standards. After Foundations you can get started with your membership to attend group sessions. This course drastically reduces chances of injury, increases confidence and increases speed of results. Each foundations class is $75 for the one hour session.

For experienced strength athletes, we also offer a Jump Start: Join our group sessions immediately and learn skills as you go. This option lets you hit the ground running. It takes longer to master the skills that you will need in our sessions and is not recommended for anyone without any prior resistance training experience.

If you are interested in participating in our Fat Loss kettlebell complex program, competency in the kettlebell lifts is a must, and we require participants to complete a Kettlebell Foundations series or complete a skill assessment with one of our coaches.