Warm-up & Mobility: 15 Minutes
Part 1 – Skill/Strength:
Performance: Power Snatch – 15 min work up to a heavy single
Fitness: EMOM 10 min – Even min: 30 sec handstand hold or progression, Odd min: 30 sec hanging L-sit hold or progression
Part 2 – Conditioning: “Wild Thing”
- 800m Run buy in, then…
21-15-9 reps for time of:
- Box jump (24/20″)
- Power snatch (75/55lb)
- Chest to bar Pull-up
(18 min timecap)
18 minutes on the clock
- 800m buy in, then…
Use remaining time to AMRAP –
- 15 Box jumps or step ups
- 15 G2OH with implement (plate or med ball)
- 15 Pull-ups or Ring Rows