Warm-up & Mobility: 15 Minutes
Part 1 – Skill/Strength:
Power Clean
Performance and Fitness:
Work to WOD weight
Part 2 – Conditioning:
“Descending Into Hell”
150 Dubs
25 TTB
25 Burpee
120 Dubs
20 TTB
20 Burpee
90 Dubs
15 TTB
15 Burpee
60 Dubs
10 TTB
10 Burpee
30 Dubs
5 Burpee
-REST 5-
For Time:
50 Power Cleans 95/65
150 Speed Step
25 TTB Progression
25 Burpee
120 Speed Step
20 TTB Progression
20 Burpee
90 Speed Step
15 TTB Progression
15 Burpee
60 Speed Step
10 TTB Progression
10 Burpee
30 Speed Step
5 TTB Progression
5 Burpee
-REST 5-
For Time:
50 Power Cleans RPE 5