Warm-up & Mobility: 15 Minutes Strength: Clean – 15 Minute work up – Do NOT increase load unless the prior weight is perfect – the weight DOES NOT matter unless you have [...]
Warm-up & Mobility: 15 Minutes Strength: Squat – 4 sets of 3 @80% of 3RM – ALL worksets should be performed at the same weight – drop to 75% if needed to keep form) Conditioning: [...]
Warm-up & Mobility: 15 Minutes Skill/Strength: 20-25 minutes to work skills & warm-up your Clean and Jerk. For skill work: do you have perfect push-ups, kipping pull-ups, Double-unders, [...]
Warm-up & Mobility: 15 Minutes Strength: Snatch – 15 Minute work-up practicing best possible form – FORM OVER WEIGHT – do not increase load unless your prior weight was [...]
Warm-up & Mobility: 15 Minutes Strength: Deadlift- 5@80%, 5@85, 5@90% calculated off your 3RM Conditioning: AMRAP 12 min of 2-4-6-8-10… reps of – Toes-to-Bar Front Squat [...]